Sadly, politicians' feelings don't care about physical facts.


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I committed to Phase 4 when an inexperienced kid ran a red light many seconds after I got the green light and destroyed her car and my front end. I knew Biden would screw up the energy economy and I had not faith in the EV (on any basis, particularly on a "green energy" basis ) and chose a plug-in hybrid. Now I can use electricity in town (costing me around $410/year) vs. the old hybrid (that cost me around $1580/yr at $2.80 gas in 2021). I am ready for the sequel to this article.

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All good ideas that would be even better in the context of taxing domestic net emissions of CO2 [does not apply to fossil fuel exports. THOSE net emissions should be taxed by the using country.}

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The article presents a serious proposal for US energy policy, focusing on natural gas investment, polysilicon production, nuclear energy, and a course correction in electric vehicle adoption. The author argues that the US has the potential to become a dominant energy-producing region, leading to economic benefits, job creation, and increased energy security. They emphasize the need for regulatory reforms, infrastructure development, and strategic planning to unlock the full potential of domestic energy resources. The proposal aims to address environmental concerns, reduce reliance on foreign energy sources, and position the US as a global energy superpower. However, the author expresses skepticism about the current administration's seriousness in addressing these issues.

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Just re-read this, such a good post. Could be updated to add all the additional articles related to the four bullets. Thanks doomy.

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This sounds a lot like the Joe Manchin energy plan…

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I haven't read such a quickly-digestible, insightful article in a long time. You guys are worth every penny of the subscription.

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Congressmen & women, simply Vote YES to the DOOMBERG COMMON SENSE ENERGY Act of 2022. Biden, just nod in the affirmative when asked “Big Guy, do you wanna eat tonight or the rest of your life?”

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You're missing a key point. They already have a plan which is on track & gaining steam.

Depopulate earth to 500,000,000 elites & live forever in transhuman paradise.

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You are missing the point. The Biden administration wants to blow up the western world. They want to destroy the US, to create the New World Order. Klaus Schwab, the puppet master, is having the time of his life right now. Good thing he is too stupid to see the writing on the wall. Americans are waking up at a furious rate, and with any luck, we will start voting these criminals out of office. They exist on both sides of the aisle.

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The “Biden administration” is the Obama Clinton cabal aided by sellout Mitch McConnell and his cronies. Unless we clean house we’re stuck in the middle again.

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excellent proposals..doubt they will ever be implemented...too many $$$ interests in the halls of the whorehouse that is Washington

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Dude... You guys need to look into Thorium. That is true independence.

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unbelievable starting an article with a tiny slice of the US's appalling crimes and then ending it with a plan to entrench its power. anyone who doesn't want this sick country to burn from sea to sea is hypercringe

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Climate change? Where in your proposal is an IEA's -like projection about a deadline to stop pumping CO2 in the atmosphere? Agree with you, though, as there is no climate mention on your work, politicians should stay away from following it!

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The article points out the massive gap between idealism such as yours and actual practical application that doesn't starve b/millions. Yet you carry on with ignorant idealism.

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Even if it were possible to use 100% green energy, folks don’t realize, or are ignoring the fact, that humanity has never swapped one fuel source for one less dense and less efficient (renewables are much less dense than fossil fuels). A result would be lower standards of living and lower population. Ignoring physics…I couldn’t agree with you more, Doomberg. One day, the result of bad decisions will come home to roost.

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There is a Seinfeld episode where George is trying to land this great apartment. The man standing in his way is a survivor of the SS Andrea Doria. They each give their sales pitch in what today we would call the oppression Olympics. George feels his life challenges far outweigh the tragedy of surviving a ship wreck where 1660 other people survived as well. In the end George finds a total stranger moving into the apartment. When he asked how this guy got the apartment the guy answered simply, ‘I tipped the super $50.00’

The green chicken’s plan to save America is quite basic and sounds like a fantastic idea to me! The missing ingredient is the cash payment to the person who makes that decision. In 1990 Wal-Mart stock was about $7.80. Also in 1990 Hillary Clinton was on the board of Wal-Mart. She only left after it became politically inconvenient for her to try out for President. Seems working for a notorious employee abuser didn’t click the right boxes for a Democrat.

With renewable energy being all the rage today, can’t we simply follow the money to find out who is calling the shots? Perhaps Vito Corleone can bring Luca Brasi over and make an offer that they can’t refuse. Desperate times lead to desperate measures after all.

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