Doomberg, you have already returned the favor. It was George Gammon’s encouragement and your example that motivated me to begin writing my own Substack - The Intrepid Life. Thank you for authenticity sharing your journey. Your writing, and particularly your “Work of My Life” articles, have been a great help as I’ve pressed on writing over the past three months. Thanks.

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I have been enjoying and sharing Doomberg for several months. I find you assessment of culture, current events, the economy and politics based on thought and common sense refreshing.

I was wondering if you have thoughts on another highly politicized topic of great cultural and economic impact today.

I would like to see your opinion on Covid and the CDC's guidelines on the use of Ivermectin. CDCs guidelines seem to be a gross overreaction when compared to the seemingly reasonable information on the FLCCC website.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Doomberg

Great to hear some background on you and the team around you, I thought you were a single lonely chicken, escaped into the wild!

I always subscribe to sites such as yours via Feedly, I'm not sure whether you are capturing subscriber stats via this particular route in your numbers above, how many more silent readers might you have?

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Thanks for reading! I’m not sure. The numbers I quote come directly from Substack. I know, for example, that those numbers don’t include people who read the reproduction of my article on Zerohedge. Alas, it’s the direction that matters more to me.

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I suppose the twitter count is the best reader count estimate, as the majority would surely then be clicking thru to read the substack itself.... onwards and upwards!

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Not a risk for everyone, but if you can make things work, life can be quiet beautiful.

There's so much chaos right now, and I know I feel MORE confident at my ability to navigate it being self employed than working for someone else. My main risks as a start up seem to be more short term, money flow; but I can adapt to change. Where as the larger companies has money, but no ability to adapt. Their strategy has to simply be weathering the storms.

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